Triond Articles

May 17, 2011

He's The One

103, originally uploaded by Mitya Kuznetsov.

I just had an interesting conversation this morning, over breakfast.  Meal time here in the office is like bonding time with my colleagues.  Anything goes over our talks, from the mundane things about life to the most profound thoughts we could conjure.  Well, most of the time we end up laughing though at times like this morning, each of us probably have some deep thoughts about the topic.

Normally, it would be four of us on the table but one was not there and there were only three of us ladies, all single through different circumstances.  I was actually the one who brought up the topic on courtship and relationships as I was telling about this guy who had the misfortune to take a fancy on me.  Hahahha!  Now why do I find that funny?  Beats me.  He's a nice guy and all, the typical tall, dark, and good-looking-in-a rugged-way kind of guy.  One of them asked me what's the status and I said it was not a good match, based on what I know so far about the guy.  I think he would be better off with someone else and well, we could just be good friends.  At least that's what I believe now, given all the circumstances.  I have been honest with him on that matter, well except telling him we're not a good match hahaha!

Now, what would have been a good match, by the way? We could actually come up with all the criteria we want in a prospective mate or partner.  No one's stopping you from making a check list.  I do have what you may call the non-negotiables but even if anyone would pass all of that, there is one final thing that would drive the nail through.  He has to be the ONE that God planned to be with me, assuming of course that there is someone in His plans.

You might probably ask, how do I know if he's already the one?  I suppose, when everything falls in the right place, and there is that peace knowing it is His will, I will know it's him.


I have read few of the articles on your website, and I really like your style of blogging. I added it to my favorites blog site list and will be checking back soon.

Yes, you will feel it when he is the right one. :-) By the way, how can I leave a message on the chatbox? Do I have to have the Cbox in my own blog? Thanks for the message on my Triond inbox. :-)

@ Rhodora - you just put your name and message and if you like, your blog url on the message don't have to have a Cbox account...and then hit the GO button. Hey thanks for dropping by :-)

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