Triond Articles

Monday Music: Take On Me

Awesome guitar music by Sungha Jung

Apr 19, 2012

Of Rules, Discipline, and Doing the Right Thing

Untitled, originally uploaded by B.Riordan.. I can't believe how much neglected this blog is.  I've been gone from here for so long that I almost forgot my sign-in details hahaha!  Anyway, I hope that I am back for good from my long hiatus. What's up with Brewed Coffee these days?  Dealing with the real world, that's what I have been doing during the interim.  The real world of course is comprised mostly of work, work,...

Jan 9, 2012

So Where Is Matt Now?

This was shared during the church service yesterday.  How it came about in the preaching is a long story.  Hahaha!  So I'm not going to repeat the more than two hours preaching to explain how we got to this video.  I guess it has to do with doing what you love and being passionate about it.  I don't really get the whole idea of why Matt Harding is doing this, but traveling around the world is pretty cool, I think.  Just seeing all those places and interacting with different people is a very rich experience.  Suffice to say that he made me smile and I'm sure he made other people happy with his bad dancing. ...

Dec 5, 2011

Sick As A Dog

Occasional sniffing.  Check.  Runny nose (now when did it ever learn to jog?). Check. Watery eyes that ironically feels hot.  Check.  Coughing (barking is more like it) that hurts the throat like hell, at the same time inducing a mild headache or side stitch.  Check.  Aaaachoooooo!  Check! ...

Nov 17, 2011

New Blogger Template...My Futile Attempts

Tell me that you'll open your eyes, originally uploaded by Katie Tegtmeyer. I am finally done tearing down and reconstructing the templates of two of my blogs.  It would have been an easy thing if only I am satisfied with the default blogger templates.  Well, after a few months, I already got tired of those templates.  I love to redesign things, much like rearranging home furniture.   It's always a refreshing...

Nov 14, 2011

Monday Music : Take On Me

Some of you already know that I love guitar music.  So it's not surprising that I have subscribed to Sungha Jung's You Tube channel.  Every time he uploads a new video, I get an email notification.  This video is not his latest, but among the recent ones uploaded within the last couple of months.  I would say he started it out well with the tapping intro.  I'd say it's a difficult piece to execute on just one acoustic guitar.  You know the songs from the eighties, they use lots of those synthesizers that are hard to mimic on conventional instruments.  Listening to Sungha Jung's version of the song takes some...

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